You can read about common remote assessment workflows, as well as our development efforts to support you as you may be transitioning to virtual classrooms, in more detail here. Gradescope supports several remote assessment workflows, including paper-based work (needed for handwriting and diagrams) submitted by the student, digital assessments, and multiple choice. The University of Leeds and Durham University are two institutions that ensured instructors are marking efficiently by successfully driving a seamless and streamlined move to online assessment using Gradescope. Reporting – Meaningful statistics and dashboards help identify student and class trends and needs.Grading – Online AI enhanced grading, code autograder, and digital rubric for more consistent, unbiased, and faster evaluations.

Collection – Digital collection of work for better organisation, easy access, and digital records keeping.It provides integrated technology solutions to help institutions, faculty, and students with: Gradescope by Turnitin is an assessment platform that uses leading-edge technology to dramatically reduce the pain and time associated with traditional grading and marking.